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  • A proven track record of steady property value appreciation, a resilient job market, and cosmopolitan allure.

  • Strategic location, thriving population, and a hub for innovation and growth

Investing in Houston transcends mere numbers; it entails embracing a city carving out its future: affordable living, a robust job market, and a diverse housing landscape that entices professionals. The city's rich cultural tapestry, vibrant museums, eclectic cuisine, and thriving arts scene add allure, resonating with investors seeking a complete urban experience. As Houston diversifies its economy across tech, finance, and healthcare sectors, investors find themselves at the forefront of an urban renaissance, rewriting the narrative of success.

Our Houston Cityfund opens doors for all to partake in the city's burgeoning growth. As Houston propels forward with innovation and progress, our Cityfund seamlessly integrates into this dynamic trajectory. This investment transcends mere property ownership; it's about shaping the urban landscape, embracing Houston's unique identity, and actively contributing to the city's evolving narrative.

Our Cityfunds target prime real estate in the nation's most prosperous cities. What sets Cityfunds apart is their accessibility, being the only publicly available real estate funds offering investment in a diverse portfolio of owner-occupied homes through our revolutionary home equity investment product, Homeshares. This groundbreaking approach democratizes real estate investment, enabling anyone to own fractional shares of top-tier homes in Houston and beyond.

Now, regardless of your location, you can fulfill the dream of owning a piece of Houston's thriving real estate market.

Fund Performance







Total Investors



Total AUM



Projected Return


Projected Return







17% IRR

Target Return




7 Yrs

Hold Period


1 Year

10 Years

*The projections above are forward-looking statements that should not be relied upon as actual. Real estate investments come with risk as market conditions and business strategies may change, impacting financials considerably. Projections assume all dividends are reinvested.

About HEIs

Home equity investment agreements (which we refer to as “Homeshares”) allow homeowners to access cash from their equity without the burden of added debt or monthly payments while delivering highly accelerated & downside-protected assets to investors.

Home equity investment agreements are an emerging asset type, with only five or six asset originators operating within a $20+ trillion home equity market today. None of these originators make it possible for individual investors to gain access to this asset, instead they deal exclusively with a few private institutions. Nada is the first to make this asset accessible to individuals and smaller firms through its Cityfunds investment product. Home equity investment agreements have proven to be an established and institutional-grade asset, similar to the mortgage debt market products, with nearly $1 billion in unrated securitizations over the past two years, and most recently another $528 million in rated securitizations with the rating agency, DBRS Morningstar.

Historically, investors have not been able to access the home equity sector due to the lack of institutional-grade assets and the absence of a publicly available private real estate fund that has this type of deal flow. Nada, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Nada Loans, LLC, is capable of sourcing and originating home equity investment agreements through its in-house licensed mortgage brokerage origination and underwriting team.

1 Assets

As of October 18, 2024

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City Highlights

Population Rank



Airport Arrivals Rank



10yr GDP Growth



Zillow Home Price Index (HPI)

Nestled at the intersection of commerce and innovation, Houston enjoys a strategic geographic position, solidifying its status as a pivotal hub for both domestic and global trade. The city's business-friendly atmosphere, marked by advantageous tax policies and a spirit of entrepreneurship, cultivates a dynamic ecosystem supporting startups and established corporations alike. Houston emerges as a prominent destination for technology firms, with a burgeoning tech sector attracting top-tier talent and fostering groundbreaking innovation. This technological resurgence is bolstered by Houston's dedication to infrastructure enhancements, creating a seamless environment conducive to business growth and development.

Fund Details




Fund Status


Ramping Up

Target Return


17.0% IRR







Management Fee


1.5% per year

Acquisition Fee



Tax Form





Cityfunds expects that after a series primary offering has concluded, the "PPEX" ATS, which we will refer to as "Secondary Trading Platform," will be a venue made available for the resale of such series' interests (referred to as “shares”).

Management Team

Cityfunds Manager, LLC, which is owned and managed by Nada is led by Tore Steen, John Green, Sundance Brennan, Justin Wang, and Jeremy Males, with 50+ years of industry experience and management of $1B+ in assets.

The Manager and the Cityfunds Series funds are uniquely well suited to be the source of underlying residential real estate investments because of their unprecedented ability to provide access to the $20+ trillion home equity sector of the residential real estate market. Home equity investment agreement assets are sourced through a targeted strategy, rigorous diligence processes, an experienced team, and a commitment to transparency with all stakeholders.

Each of the Cityfunds Series funds creates a thematic, index-like exposure to a single city’s home equity market through diversified portfolios of home equity investment agreements. Cityfunds Series funds are able to unlock access to some of the most in-demand real estate markets by investing in owner-occupied homes through the home equity investment agreement asset type.

Tore Steen


John Green

Co-Founder & COO

Sundance Brennan

VP of Acquisitions

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Risk Management

Nada supports Cityfunds and its investors through a two-stage, bottoms-up approach to mitigating risks. First, is our asset selection framework for home equity investment agreements. Second, we build investor protections directly into the home equity investment contract. Nada’s secured equity position comes with certain rights and protections and allows them to intervene and protect the interests of all equity holders in the underlying property.

Downside Protection
: Home equity investment agreements are made with an average 10-15% discount to the home’s appraised value, protecting investors from home value declines and prepayments.

Secured Interests
: Home equity investment agreements are secured and recorded with a Deed of Trust /Mortgage, typically behind the primary mortgage and above the homeowner (like a HELOC).

Structured Payouts
: Homeowner payouts triggers established within the contract, most commonly by liquidity-driven transactions, such as a home sale or cash-out refinance.

Protective Covenants
: Homeowner retains ownership—and must maintain and keep the asset unencumbered.

Right of First Refusal (ROFR)
: Contracts have a ROFR clause to protect against below-market transactions.

Quality Credit & Collateral
: Most homeowners use their cash to reduce debts, improve their credit profile, and invest in their homes.

Related Documents

Offering Memorandum


Subscription Agreement


Risk Factors




Description of Business


Description of Securities


Terms of Investment


Additional Information


* Past performance is not indicative of future results. No assurance can be provided that the market or the value of our investments will appreciate or will not depreciate in value.



/ share





Own a piece of Houston's thriving future – where economic diversity, cultural richness, and strategic location converge, presenting unmatched investment opportunities.

© 2024 Nada Holdings, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Nada is a registered service mark of Nada Holdings, Inc.

Note: These graphics are purely hypothetical and for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to reflect future returns or portfolio performance in any way. The value of our properties and investments may increase or decrease.

Nada Holdings, Inc. ("Nada"), as a manager of Cityfunds I, LLC (“Cityfunds”) operates the website (the "site") and the mobile-based app (the "App") and is not a broker-dealer or investment advisor. All securities ("shares") related activity is conducted through Dalmore Group LLC, a registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA/SIPC, located at 525 Green Place, Woodmere, NY 11598. You can review the brokercheck for Dalmore.

You should speak with your financial advisor, accountant and/or attorney when evaluating any offering. Neither Nada, Cityfunds, nor Dalmore makes any recommendations or provides advice about investments, and no communication, through this website or in any other medium, should be construed as a recommendation for any security offered on or off this investment platform. The Site may make forward-looking statements. You should not rely on these statements but should carefully evaluate the offering materials in assessing any investment opportunity, including the complete set of risk factors that are provided as part of the offering circular for your consideration.